Staying Connected

It is easy for you to stay connected to the University during a leave of absence.  The residential college staff are happy to advise you and departmental faculty are also available, as well. You are urged to stay in close contact with your residential college dean in particular for any issues that might arise.

Your email address and netID will remain active for one year from the start of a leave of absence.  If you are away for more than one year you can request an extension on the activation of your netID from your residential college dean.  The active netID means that you can stay connected with the University and a variety of University services during your time away.  These include:

  • Center for Career Development – You retain access to the Handshake career management system. Please note that there are some select Princeton internship and campus recruiting opportunities that are dependent on your enrollment status – you can always talk through the logistics of those opportunities with a Center for Career Development adviser.
  • Princeton Library System – You can continue to access non-lending library services and most electronic resources.  While lending services are reserved for enrolled students, students with legitimate research needs connected with junior independent work or thesis work during their leave can apply to their dean for on-site library access to the Princeton Library system.  The dean can assist in petitioning to the library for this access.
  • Student funding through the SAFE Portal – SAFE portal access is restricted to enrolled students, but students on leave can be in contact with the Office of Undergraduate Research to arrange access to selected funding opportunities.
  • Course enrollment – Most students are eligible to participate in course enrollment on Tigerhub during the normal course enrollment period for their class.  Your residential college dean will be in contact with you with details as the time period of course enrollment approaches.

Contact Information

Find out who to contact with questions or concerns.

Key Contacts